Bambillo NZ

Too much of a good thing: the ill-effects of oversleeping.

The pitfalls of sleep deprivation are well-documented, but oversleeping has also been linked to medical issues. Of note is that clinical depression and low socioeconomic status are associated with a tendency to oversleep. Each of these conditions may create a susceptibility to other health problems. Oversleeping is generally defined as sleeping for over 9 hours per night.
Heart disease
Lack of exercise and obesity are linked to heart disease. There are correlations between these conditions and oversleeping. People who oversleep are 38% more likely to develop heart disease.
People who sleep for more than 9 hours a night are 50% more likely to develop diabetes. It is thought that the oversleeping, rather than causing diabetes, is a symptom of other underlying problems which can lead to diabetes.
More time sleeping equates to less time being active and burning calories. This can lead to obesity.
This is a common side effect of oversleeping. It’s caused by a disturbance to the neurotransmitters of the brain.
Back pain
Sleeping too much can exacerbate or cause back pain. Keeping active is better for your back.
Many studies have found that people who sleep for 9 or more hours per night have notably higher death rates than those who sleep for 7 – 8 hours per night. Because depression and low socio-economic status are linked to early death, it is difficult to assert that oversleeping is the single causal factor in these higher death rates.